August 2017: Meet Wai Yan
Wai Yan is a thirteen years old student in the fourth grade. He has been attending the Andaman Center in Kuraburi since Kindergarten.
Wai Yan’s Family
Wai Yan’s family has lived in Thailand for about ten years. His parents came to Thailand to work for a better wage and send the money to their remaining family members in Myanmar. He has never traveled to Myanmar and feels like Thailand is his home.
His dad fixes fishing boats at the pier and his mother takes care of the house and their kids.
He has a younger sister, three older sisters and an older brother. When Wai Yan has free time he likes to stay at home with his mom and talk with her.
Wai Yan’s Drea
When he grows up he wants to be a teacher in Thailand or in Myanmar. He wants to continue his education and go to high school when he finishes the sixth grade at the Andaman Center.
During the long break, he works on a fishing boat to help generate extra income for the family. He says if he has not been attending school and inspired to be a teacher, he would probably be doing difficult laborious jobs like this.
A lot of his friends who live near the fishing pier do not go to school. They work in the construction industry, work at the fishing pier or stay at home to help take care of the family.
He feels really lucky to be able to get an education for a better future.